Thursday, February 24, 2011

catch me if you can.

if you're looking for this birdie, you'll have more luck finding me elsewhere.
nothing against blogspot, but i can not seem to make this blog as pretty as i can elsewhere.

i'm tweeting here.

i'm tumbling here.

i'm blogging here.

but don't fret if you're a blogspot lover, you can still follow me! and here's how:

check out the blog's you follow on your blogger dash.

click add. type my url in.

and there you have it!

thanks for stopping by. i hope you come find me.

Thursday, February 3, 2011



confession: this is the scarf I was knitting for Christmas. which was 41 days ago. I didn’t finish on time, and I was so frustrated with the whole thing that I abandoned my project for a few weeks. I’m no stranger to forgetting about a craft project halfway through, [see also: the box of canvases in my basement and my empty easel] but I had promised my grandmother that she would eventually receive a handmade scarf and I didn’t want to disappoint.

Mom-Mom will have her scarf this weekend, and I am so damn proud of it that I probably won’t take it off my body until then.

Special thanks to all of the ridiculous snowstorms that have been passing through Philly, and an unwelcome head cold, which gave me plenty of time and no excuse not to finish.

I’m off to go dance around with my super pretty scarf.